Find answers to freqently asked questions about Roadhouse Manufacturing.

What is the criteria for a core exchange?

The core should be in good enough condition that it could be rebuilt. Our process gives us the ability to rebuild or repair many charge-air-coolers that other shops would not be able to do the same. This is even if the header plate has a crack at the joint. However, we do not accept cores that have been damaged in a collision, those with blown tubes, or where the tubes have been cut off.

What is the difference between a rebuilt cooler and a recore?

We view our process to rebuild a charge-air-cooler as one where we completely re-manufacture the unit. There are many service facilities that repair the unit while claiming it has been rebuilt. Our 10 step process is different, and includes a complete high temperature cleaning, reinforcing the header plate welds, using a proprietary sealant that is baked onto the unit, just to mention a few. If the core is damaged beyond repair, we will replace it with a new HD core. This is where the difference is.

How can you justify saying that your new-core charge-air-coolers are better than OEM coolers?

It’s simple, we use higher quality materials. Our welding techniques are much more intense. Our sealers are permanent. Theirs are not. Trucks are running at higher temperatures and pressures, and we understand this. In recent pressure burst tests, the OEM units broke down anywhere from 120-300psi. while our unit held up to over 500psi.

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